Denver, CO Day 1 by Kenny & Kristen

Posted on 2018-06-22

We arrived in denver with enough time to explore downtown on Friday Evening. My first thoughts when I got to the place - “Holy Cow!!! This place is HUGE!”. The airport is about a 30 minute drive away from the city so to really get to downtown, you drive through every layer. What is cool is that it seemed like this city was really well planned. The roads were nice and even though you were on a 8 lane highway, you didn’t experience a lot of holdups. ![blogPics](/static/img/denver/denver0.jpg "Downtown Denver") We walked around the downtown area and explored some of the sites. One of the cool places is right across the state capital, they have an area with an amphitheatre and then also some local art statues which were really cool. ![blogPics](/static/img/denver/denver1.jpg "Exploring Denver") One of the cooler statues was this piano that was attached to a small computer that made lights come on when you played the kets. It would have been super cool at night! ![blogPics](/static/img/denver/denver2.jpg "Denver Art") Some of our other stops included the US Mint and the public library. ![blogPics](/static/img/denver/denver3.jpg "Denver Library") Downtown also hosted some really cool architecture. The art museum and some other buildings look very futuristic and just neat! ![blogPics](/static/img/denver/denver4.jpg "Denver Architecture") After we walked around a while, we stopped to grab some ice cream and then headed back to our car. Our hotel was about 30 minutes away from downtown and we were planning on getting up early the next day to do some hiking - so a good night's rest was in order.

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