Our next next biggest adventure by Kenny & Kristen

Posted on 2024-04-23

It all started out as a normal day... A pregnant normal day. We knew the baby was coming and the due date was the 30th of April. We didn't know how early he would be ... ## 1am Tuesday April 23 Kristen woke up experiencing some moderate contractions. Unable to sleep she decided to watch golden girls until it was time to go to the hospital. ## 3am Tuesday April 23 Kristen decided it was time to go to the hospital. So she woke me up and we showered and had some breakfast. However after timing contractions we decided to wait a bit more so that they wouldn't turn us back for being to early. ## 6am Tuesday April 23 4 episodes of golden girls in, Kristen says "go upstairs and sleep because you can't sleep around me it's not fair”. So I went upstairs and went back to sleep. ## 7:40am Tuesday April 23 Kristen is feeling like it's time to go to the doctor and wakes me up. Saying "it's time to go!". I should mention we had a regularly scheduled appointment for the baby this morning at 8:40. So we get in the car and head over there to be a bit early hoping they can get us in earlier. ## 8:40am Tuesday April 23 Dr says Kristen is 3cm, they perform a membrane sweep and tell us to go walk around a bit to get the process moving along. So we head over to target to walk a bit and look at all the deals. We found tress of the emerald sea and I told Kristen we could get it but she said no. The contractions have started increasing and fingers crossed we'll see a baby today! ## 12:21 pm Tuesday April 23 We found out way to the hospital and checked in. Kristen is feeling pretty tired and rough from the early morning and contractions are hurting pretty good. We are hoping that things move a bit faster now but waiting to 6cm or so for an epidural. Kristen is being a trooper because these contractions look like they hurt good. ## 1:20pm Tuesday April 23 Epidural is in and placed. We are 100% effaced but still sitting at 5cm. Kristen can't feel those pesky contractions now and seems to be sitting pretty. We are now waiting for the action. Kristen is hungry though but can't eat with the epidural. She did get some snacks in beforehand so hopefully that holds her hangryness. ## 2:49pm Tuesday April 23 The water has broke. Kristen is feeling the baby move on down and says "I'm pretty sure he's out or really close". He's not out yet and we haven't started pushing yet but it seems like we are pretty close. So far this has been much smoother the second time around and luckily not nearly as painful. ## 2:55 Water gone, "we are complete, we can probably have a baby here in a few minutes" - Priscilla, the nurse in the room. ## 3:06pm Kristen only pushed maybe 10 times and the boy was out. I got to help catch the baby/pull him out. He is soo tiny and loud. He seems to be healthy and eating a snack now. Mom is feeling good, ecstatic, and super happy! Baby has some hair and is lifting his head a bit. Well know more in an hour or so about his vitals thing weight and whatnot but everyone is doing good !:] ## 4:38pm Baby k is 7 pound 4 oz and 19.75 in long. He's ate well and looking good. We are moving to the post partum room shortly. Wow!

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