Day 7 - We found the Appalachian Trail Again! by Kenny & Kristen

Posted on 2020-08-22

On day 7, we ended up heading out from our walmart early around 6:20am. Our first stop was Dorset Library as Kristen had to take a call for school and the library had some public wifi we could use. We got lucky here because we were able to connect from the van so Kristen took the call straight from the van parked by the street. While Kristen took her call, I took a quick walk down the road to Dorset Bakery, where I picked up some Vermont breakfast for use. Kristen had scrambled eggs, homemade sausage, and toast while I had some cooked ham and french toast. The food was **Awesome**, I highly recommend getting some local food from Vermont. We checked before coming and Vermont is supposed to be known for cheese, Maple syrup and good country cooking and so far thats not wrong in our opinion. From here we headed over to a part of the Appalachain Trail and the Long trail and did a section up to Spruce Peak. It was a nice 4.8 total out and back to a cool little peak. ![blogPics](/static/img/173/sign.jpg "AT Sign") The view was hard to see through the trees, but what you really appreciate is why this section of the AT is referred to as *The Green Mountains*. Its because they are REALLY green. You might think "Well its the same mountains they probably look the same" Well yeah that is correct to a point, but you know when looking at these that they are a different beauty than the other parts of the trail. ![blogPics](/static/img/173/peak.jpg "Spruce Park") From here we drove over to another section of the AT/LT called Little Rock Pond. This was another out and back (about 4 miles total) but the cool thing about this one was that it ended at a beautiful mountain lake(or pond). ![blogPics](/static/img/173/lake.jpg "Lake") The water was not as cold as the other water areas we had been to AND there was a spot where you could jump off a rock into the pond! So I made sure to get a few jumps in and swim around a bit. it was a really neat spot AND how to a lot of different critters ( I saw a few salamanders and some crawdads!) ![blogPics](/static/img/173/jump.jpg "Cliff Jumping") After our hike, we made our way to a local grocery store to get some Vermont local foods (we were a little late to get some of the real local shops so we settled for a Shaws). After this we headed to our campground where we showered and cleaned up and started cooking dinner. While Kristen cooked, I was supposed to get laundry done but I apparently missed the clerk for the park so I went around asking folks at the community Bon Fire for some change. I think one of the hidden gyms of adventuring like this is meeting some of the folks who have been RV living for a while - in this Instance I met Kurt and with our very brief encounter I learned a lot about him and vice versa. He was and his wife were super friend and helped us out with some change. They had been doing this type of living since 2011 and planned to do it for at least the next four years. #### Kristen's campfire Special - grilled Chicken breast (Vermont local) - grilled pork chop (Vermont Local) - 1 box of Couscous (your favorite flavor) - 2 small crowns of broccoli - some amount of Vermont maple cheddar cheese - mix and cook to your liking After dinner we settled in to sleep as we had a long day planned for day 8!

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